There are over 32 million businesses in the United States, and if you own one of them, a copier will make your life inside your business much easier.
An office copy machine is an asset for any company with an office and more than one employee. Depending on what your business does, even a single-employee business might be able to use an office copy machine.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss why having a copier in your office is a fantastic idea.
Read on for more information.
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It’s Cheaper in the Long Run
If you’re relying on a copy shop or a tiny printer meant for one person to copy items, your life is likely a whole lot more expensive than it should be. Copyshop copies are fine if you only need to copy once every few months, but if you find yourself going there regularly, this is eating into your budget.
Additionally, using a smaller machine meant for only one person can eat into your budget as the ink for those machines can cost a fortune if you’re constantly rebuying it.
An office copy machine slashes the amount you’ll spend on external copying services. If you make copies more than a couple of times a week, you need a copying machine.
They’re Great for Bigger Jobs
Have you ever tried to copy several pages at once on a home machine? If so, it isn’t easy and can take you several hours to do, even if it has a tray of its own. You’ll likely have to stand there and hand-feed the machine, which can also eat into your already busy schedule.
Instead of doing that, use a heavy-duty copier to simply place the pages in the machine and let it copy from there. You won’t have to stand by to make sure it is being copied; it will do it automatically.
Additionally, if you have to copy something for several people, like for a classroom or rehearsal or town meeting, hand-feeding the printer can get tedious. An office copier can do it for you and have the job done in minutes and while you do other things around the office.
Front and Back Copying Can Be Done with Ease
Front and back copying can be a pain with smaller machines. You may find yourself having to not only hand feed it but flip it certain ways to ensure that the front and back of the item you’re trying to copy gets copied correctly. If you mess up, you’ve wasted valuable time, as well as paper and ink. An office copier machine can do this task with ease.
Officer Copiers Can Do Bigger Pieces of Paper
Do you need to copy something from a large piece of paper? If so, a copy machine can do that for you, provided you have the size of the paper necessary. A smaller personal printer can’t do this because most of them can’t handle a larger paper size.
With this, you can print or copy posters or other larger items and not worry about getting it exactly right. An office copy machine can take care of it.
Reduce or Eliminate Repetitive Tasks
Most copy machines can do things like sort or punch holes in papers or groups of papers. Many of them can also staple for you.
If you don’t have an intern to do things like this, or you’d rather your intern work on something more educational and rewarding, you can have your copy machine take care of this for you. Plus, the output will look much more professional than if a person did it, as the hole punch and stapler will always be in a uniform area. No more messy-looking documents or weird holes, or odd stapler placements.
Increased Security
Most offices have WiFi-enabled, and many of them have wireless printers and copiers. While this makes life much easier for you and your colleagues to get things done without tangled up in wires, it also leaves you exposed to bad actors who can prey upon this WiFi connection to breach your company’s privacy.
However, most office printers come with updated technology that prevents this from happening. As such, it will become more difficult than ever for people to break into your data, thanks to strong copiers and printers that stop this from happening.
Increased Productivity
You won’t have to wrestle with your printer or spend time going to the copy shop and waiting on your items to be ready if you have a copy machine. Instead of having to wait for all of these services, you can do them all in your office. Not only that, but you can do them while you’re getting other things done, reducing the amount of time you or your colleagues spend away from their desks.
Get an Office Copy Machine Today
An office copy machine is one of the best investments you can make for your business and your sanity.
While they may seem to be out of reach for you financially, luckily, there are financing options that allow your business to buy it now and pay over time. This frees you from the cost constraints and allows you to reap the benefits of a copy machine without having to worry about the monetary strings attached. You can also lease a copy machine, without a commitment to purchase it.
To request a quote, click here. Let’s discuss how we can help your office be more efficient.